Circling Cornwall CIC
Thank you for taking an interest in us. We exist to:
- inspire and develop communities
- increase participant wellbeing through circling & related activities we make available to you
- overcome human poverties: social isolation, loneliness, geographical rural and urban 'stuckness', financial
- develop facilitators and leaders
- support people who have experienced their protected characteristics being overstepped, especially when this is routine or ongoing
What we offer
Circling Cornwall’s work prioritizes Cornwall, but is not limited to Cornwall: in principle everyone is welcome.
Our bi-annual celebration: Circling Cornwall Fun Gathering for a Core-Phew at Arillas, Corfu, Greece, is now an ad-hoc bookable experience for groups of 6 to 12. Available all year round. Please get in touch for further details (just below). You can also still purchase a spot on a published event here.
Gatherings take place in a beautiful setting usually sunny and warm. They are a great way to kick off summer or celebrate its finale, get away to healing, beautiful part of the world. With an extra emphasis on wellness, relaxation, playing together, human connection and fitness integration. The fitness opportunities will work for the fittest and also the gentlest of exercise temperaments.
We started the seasonal BEACH BATH (Beach Authenticity - Tea Herbal) sessions in spring of 2018 and will continue them in Cornwall each summer. They will always be free for those unable to pay and we ask for donations from those not in financial difficulty. Our BeachBATHs, in person events on various beaches in Cornwall have been so successful, give us the experience as well as skills to build brilliant Gatherings on other beaches everywhere. We regularly change beaches so that we can visit as many locations and communities as possible. To find out how and where we are running these events, Contact us and, if you want to join, the best way to stay informed is for us to add you to our WhatsApp group for the season. All are welcome and the sessions are PWYC (Pay What You Can) - which, if you can't afford to pay anything makes it completely FREE.
After thousands of attendees benefitted in 2021 we offer online Circling every Thursday from autumn to the spring, in both the morning and evening, UK time. We fund this for our core community and any community we have created and trained. For others, it is now on a subscription basis. See the details here.
Contact us to participate on a Thursday.
We welcome your attendance and you don't have to have experienced the practice before: welcoming those new to Circling is an important part of this service we provide, (we run 4 open sessions a year) as is welcoming those more experienced.
We run various online closed group online immersions. Our 3 to 6 week Vulnerability and Attachment after Trauma, a weekly Saturday immersion (or bi-weekly) take place when we can form a group that needs the intervention and for whom the mode on intervention is appropriate. Contact us as soon as possible for a creative conversation. Once closed you can join the waiting list by emailing us, or sign up for the next session.
All are welcome to our Circling sessions, days, weekends. Some activities are closed group
/ by invitation and not always publicised so it is worth getting in touch contact us if you can’t find
activities that fit for you and to check if anything else is happening.
Please also / like / follow our Facebook (joining our groups there) and Instagram pages to best stay abreast of our activities and keep in touch!
We are considering collaborating on a conference for professionals and established Circling groups in or near London, also providing opportunities for them to showcase their best practice and services. We now hope to run this in coming years: as soon as it is viable and we are planning to make some conference-style posts available on our YouTube channel soon.
We run bespoke retreats in the alluring, rugged, peaceful and inspiring south west of the UK. Take a look at the Visit Cornwall site to get a virtual aerial tour of how beautiful Cornwall is! The communities we have created often come together with the facilitators in each making up the team for these retreat events.

We offer a wide range of Circling training. This is designed for people who want to improve skills in Circling and AR, those who may facilitate for us and / or use Circling or AR in their professional lives with others. We have extended our training to include in person and online offerings. Please take a look at our Facebook events if you want taught courses; the page linked above is mainly for online open skills and facilitation training.
Previous participants have not only been employed by us, they have started their own communities that we support, including Circling Connor Downs and Circling Camel Estuary.
We are passionate about addressing the often stigmatised loneliness pandemic in the UK and building ongoing mental resilience. In autumn of 2020 we met with health professionals and are now receiving social prescription referrals for people with loneliness, social anxiety, depression, ongoing mental health needs and support to sessions.
We especially (but not exclusively) welcome young people of 18 - 25 years to our sessions both online and in person. Recent evidence and resesearch identify this age group to be most likely to suffer significantly from chronic loneliness often accompanied by social isolation.
Last and not least, for businesses and organisations, we offer bespoke Consultancy through Intentional Authentic Relating. We use the actonym Consultiar (since 2017) for this work. This is designed according to your organisational communication and team working needs.
It may be that you've got a great culture, excellent people, yet a recent restructure, loss of key (often senior) colleagues or even the change to a working from home culture following the Covid-19 pandemic has recently resulted in changes that create team difficulties.
We can usually best help if you are noticing people (including young people in educational settings) don't seem to bring their full selves to collaborative contexts or tasks. It isn't always the case, but contexts in which we often diagnose and offer solutions include:
- Boldness to risk bringing creativity and ingenuity which is stunted
- Changes in circumstances that have led to loss of trust
- Poor communication or assertiveness lead to a drop in productivity
Please contact us to set up a creative conversation and needs analysis.